Monday, October 26, 2009

The new mac computer than Lilia did her current event report on could
be used if our school system all of a sudden got a lot of money and
replaced our current computers with the new, fast one. It would help
us by allowing us to do stuff really fast and making us more time
efficient. With that new technology, too, we would be learning about
the new and the best and we would have a good idea how this technology
would work in the future.

The new energy efficient clusters that Evan reported on could help us
in a classroom by improving our storage and reducing the amount of
energy that we use as a school. Which is always a good thing.

The new eye implants that Anna reported on could help us in a
classroom by making people who couldnt see that well able to do their
school work better.
Apple introduced a new imac line. The price is starting at $1199.
Fastest ever, starting with 3.36 gh7, very fast processor. Comes iwth
a wireless keyboard and a magic mouse which is the first multi touch
tech mouse.
A new material (metal) has been discovered that can boost computer
data storage compacity and save energy at the same time. Usual 20 gb
chip can now hold about 1 terabite which means there's 50 times as
much storage due to the new alloy. The new metal can withstand twice
the temperatures as the old material. Dr Jageish is the discoverer-
director of national science foundation center for advanced materials
and smart structures.
Scientists are piloting new lunar land rovers. terri fong, fox-usuing
new k10 rover program with intelligence robotic group-designing scout
robot for missions new moon, mars. good at retrieving substances off
the surface of the planets.
new super efficient energy saving computer clusters. 3 instead of 100 watts.
researchers found out a new way to enhance the compacity of media-cds,
dvds, etc. storage way more effecient by studying a shrimp
new $180 blackberry storm2, hit shelves on wednesday. new surplus
clickable display technology
1996 microsoft-opperating systems. apple introduced iphone-big deal.
apple-first to create smart phones. after others started to create
them. microsoft now mad at google, cell phone users had been using
microsoft but can now use the internet free. poor microsoft.
new windows7 operating system. came out thursday, great reviews. has
smoother experience, less processing speed, overall very good.
developing new kind of eye implant at MIT-john L. wyatt, cofounder.
more adapted to human body, naturally excepted. naturally sucked into
eye to help blind people. to increase peoples sight who have retinal
damage. has little metal things, looks weird.

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